Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Photos 4: Feb. 2012

February 2012: 143.6 - FINALLY, away from that 144!!! And I plan to run as far away from it as I can. I was so sick of seeing that number show up on the scale time and time again. Plateu's are NO fun!

Attempting to see them GUNS everyone keeps talking about or showing off...not sure mine are that cool yet.

Wanting to lose this over-hang under my arms. Just another area to keep working on and toning up.

These pants are too big, but they've not fallen off yet, so I'm getting my money outta them!

...not sure if that "thing" is shrinking...

My experience with Volleyball...

Don't I look cool? =)

New running pants - size SMALL baby!

Still got some "muffin" to work off.

Watch Mama shrink!!!

and now this shirt fits.

and this one is WAY too big


Way too big!

From 17 down to owning 7

This picture makes me wanna sing, "I'm sexy and I know it" haha

They fit...snuggly.

it's really not that easy to take a picture of one's tush...

And there you have it. I have not parted with approximately 7 black bags full of clothes that either

1. Made me feel fat and frumpy.
2. Did not make me feel pretty.
3. That I shrunk out of!!!

Yes, I am feeling good! Let's see what March has in store next! For now, though I'm off to Yoga & HIIT.


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