Monday, March 26, 2012

Mar. 2012: 1

I've taken a lot of photos of myself in March! So I'm going to break this down by dates. There will be several posts for 'Photos in March'. These first few here are me trying on my own clothes to see what fits NOW and what is NOW too big.
I don't know about you bout "image" is something I've struggled with for a very long time. I would say before having children I just wore jeans, boots, and whatever top I felt like wearing. I didn't think to much about how it looked. I was tiny and for some reason that made me assume it just all looked good. I probably wore some crazy things a few times! After children it became a whole new story.

If you're like me, you probably never thought about what kind of 'image' you want to have, you probably don't know a heck of a lot about fashion and probably never really cared to. Now, I don't care to really be "in-the-know" fashion-wise, but I have come to realise that I do want to portray a certain image. Did you know you make your first impression on people within the first 30 seconds of meeting them and it's all from your 'image'.

Example 1: You go to Walmart for groceries and you see a woman wearing a baggy t-shirt (possibly long sleeves), she has on a pair of pajama bottoms and tennis shoes. Her hair is brushed, but not styled. Her make-up...not on. Her smile...missing.

Now, what's your 1st impression? Go head, it or not we ALL do it.

Let me guess, you can't believe that woman is wearing her pajamas in public, right? Don't worry, I know...because you see I once was the woman described above. I got the funny looks for wearing my pj's. Now, if I were to do it - it's be strictly for fun and because I don't care about the funny looks. I'm happier today than I was back then. I actually take the time to get dressed these days and it feels good, but it also feels good to run in & out in my pj's just cause I know I can! hahaha

Example 2: You are in Walmart again, because that's where you meet the most interesting characters, now isn't it? You see a woman who could stand to lose about 30 pounds or more (see there already judging her). She's wearing a low cut top, revealing more cleavage than you care to see on you shopping trip. She has on a mini skirt that is barely covering her bottom and her belly is slightly hanging out over the top of it. She has on high-heels, her make-up looks caked on, and her hair is really out there man.

What's your 1st impression??

It's hard to tell if she's happy, because honestly she looks a bit scary. She looks a bit wild uh? Now, I would say she is one of a few things: very confident, lost in style or what 'image' she wants to portray, and just might maybe think she's still 21. But I don't know her story, maybe she was sexually abused as a child and grew up believing this is the way she has to dress. Maybe she caked that make up on to hide how ashamed she feels...

Example 3: You forgot something at Walmart, this time you see a young woman in a fitted pair of jeans, not to tight, not to baggy, and her butt isn't hanging out the top of them. They look like they fit perfect. She has on a simple white top, a turquoise necklace. Her hair is neatly styled, her make-up soft and natural. Her smile gentle and sweet. Her shoes, wedge sandals.

What's your 1st impression?

She looks nice and when you see her you think, "I wish I could pull that off" or "I wish I looked nice & put together like that".

Do you see what I mean here? We may not think we've ever thought too much about the 'image' we portray, but how many times have you said, "I wish I looked like that" ?

As I've been losing weight, I've also been cleaning out my closet. Anything that makes me feel frumpy & fat or unattractive I have parted with and continue to part with. I had, I kid you not tons of clothes in my possession. Tons of clothes that I NEVER wore and yet I NEVER had anything to wear! You've been there too uh? Ever wonder why in all those clothes you've nothing to wear? Yeah, me too. How many of yours still have the tags on them? How much money have we wasted on clothes that we've NEVER worn???

So I am on a missing to find my "style" and the "image" in which I want to portray. It's going to be a lengthy journey, but I am ready to embark on it. My biggest fear with this adventure is "losing" who I am. I don't want to end up with a style or image that really isn't me, so it may require some help and I'm okay with that too. The first help I'm getting is from reading a book called, "Frumpy to Fabulous: Flaunting It. Your Ultimate Guide to Effortless Style". So far it's bee interesting and I've read a few things that I know how to work with.

Therefore, the pictures you are about to see are not just of me trying on my clothes to see what fits & what doesn't...but also to see what is flattering & what isn't. Someday soon, when I decide to go shopping I will know exactly what I am shopping for, what styles, fits, shapes, colors

I believe this dress makes me look as if I have NO shape, just a box.

I'm not sure if that looks good or silly or what. So I've made no decision. The tank top, although it goes with the other shirt, has always been a bit on the short side...

I don't know if I should wear the boots with it or not, but I've always loved these brown skirt & yellow tank.

I bought this before we went to Italy a few years ago, when I once again had nothing to wear...I didn't like the way it fit, it was too tight.

Now, it fits better, but it's still tight, see the wrinkles in the front? And I'm not sure if I like myself in white bottoms... Also, the top is cute but apparently horizontal stripes make you look shorter and wider. At 5 foot 2, short & wide is not the image I'm looking for!

I like these t-shirt, not sure if it's doing anything right for me, but that could be because those stupid white pants are still on...

I feel like this makes me look butch, what y'all think?

Victoria Secret Capri's - they finally fit and are too big! Not only that I'm learning fast that Capri's do nothing for a 5 foot 2 person other than make them appear shorter!

Somethings not quite right with the fit. Not tight, but almost as if there is too much fabric in the front.

Capri's - they fit...but...

They make my butt look huge! I'm trying to avoid that.

They do make me look shorter uh?

Not digging it! I'm starting to think "white" isn't a good color for me.

Absolutely LOVE this! It makes me feel pretty & tall! Look at them legs! haha I will be wearing this in Spain!

Currently undecided...

Got a lot of extra room in here!

...but I might get one more good wear out of it...

currently undecided...

Keeps, for now. I like but somethings not quite right - don't ask me what cause I don't know!

Pockets with flaps - bad idea if you want a smaller looking tush. (see I'm learning!)

too much material at the back now...not alot but enough I notice.


I HATE these shorts! Have hated them since the first photo I seen of myself in them.

This shirt doesn't seem too awful, so until someone tells me it's not working, it stays.

Again, saw a photo of myself in this top and decided I did not like it! I wore it once.

This has been in my closet for many a years. I can wear it comfortably now, but can not decide if I like it or not! I don't really care if it's not the current "trend" as long as it looks good on me and fits "my" style. Make sense? I'm not going fashion crazy here - most of it gives me a headache!

Unflattering, don't you think?

Perhaps I found a white top I can handle. What do you think?

I don't care what style that is, it's my Gretchen shirt and it stays.

Same with my CMA fest shirt.

I do love this color, but that top is way too big!

Is it my imagination or does that look nice?

Eww! White again.

Just don't dig it.

This one is for my Mommy. She always buys my sister's & I matching shirts for the holiday's if were all gonna be together. She's a bit crazy like that but we love her anyway!

And there you have the first set of March photos. I have shrunk out of a lot of clothing, you haven't seen most of it - be thankful. I have managed to get back into a lot of clothing and I am feeling really good in my journey to myself right now. Progress continues with weight, food, clothes - the whole package and I look forward to seeing that end result.

Keep up the good work out there. If you want to change a part of your life, it all starts with YOU making just one step. So good luck and I hope to see you again soon!


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