Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How do you not get bored?

I sat down this morning to spend some time writing as I've so much on my mind to share with you. Then I got distracted by trying to make this 'blog' pretty. I think I'm pretty happy with it, but I gotta fix that 'slider' thing. If any of you know how - hook me up!

First, I must tell you the most exciting piece of news!!!

That's right ladies & gentleman I am now in the 130's!!! I could of cried when I saw that number. I'd been praying and hoping for 139 something. Just 139 and I got even better! Needless, to say my smile on April 1st could not be missed. I do not remember the last time I was in the 130's. I think it was 2007 while living in Ohio, but I really do not remember.

Now, that the scale has given me a magic number I can happily say I am over 1/2 way to my goal weight. 

Total Lost: 21.8 pounds - 1.8 over the 1/2 way mark.
Pounds to lose: 18.2
Next mini goal: 132 by April 23. It's my birthday. I'll be 32, so it only seem fitting. It' going to be a big number for me to pull and I know I'm going to have to work hard to reach it. I am extremely determined.
Final goal: 120 (hopefully by July 1st).  

What's coming up in my life? I'm headed on holiday (vacation) to Spain for a week. I have never been to Spain. I have not gone shopping for this trip, except to buy a swim-suit and take my daughter to get a few items. I am still refusing to buy any clothing until I get within 10 pounds of my goal weight. Only 8.2 more pounds to go and I'll be within that range! I feel like I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and I gotta say, "It feels good!!!"

I am thankful I still have clothes I can wear as I am not ready to go shopping just yet. I guess there was a reason I never parted with some of my clothes. That "someday" thinking has paid off this time.

I am a little nervous about what I am going to eat while traveling and missing my workouts. I plan to pay very close attention and try not to over do it on food. I know when my body is 'full' now verses 'stuffed'. I just gotta listen to it. I plan to do as much swimming as possible and I'm sure we will do a lot of walking, sight-seeing. I won't lie though, I am nervous about the effects the trip may have on my weight.

However, loss or gain, I will still keep pressing forward. I've set goals and I intend to reach them. How bout you?

Recently, I was asked "How do you not get bored". I want to address that question here for those of you that may be asking the same thing.

For starters my HIIT class & Personal Training sessions are like "surprises". I never really know what we're going to do that day until I get there.

Our HIIT instructor lists the WOD on our facebook group the night before, but there are somethings on there I still have to learn what they are! Yep, even after 5 months! On the ones I do know, I know how much weight I lifted last time and how long it took me to complete said WOD. So the next time that WOD shows up, either lift heavier or aim to beat your time. It gives you a challenge to rise to and you don't get bored.

Personal Training sessions: I never know what 'H' has in store for me. Just about time I think I've got the routine sorted out, he shakes it up. Having him there with me gives me the 'accountability' I need. I don't want to disappoint him. I try my best. I complain a little. I keep trying. Sometimes I amaze myself, like the time I lifted 260 pounds with my legs 20 times or the next time I did 300 - who knew I could do that!!! Finding out what I CAN do - is so not boring. It's empowering!

Running: Yes, I run. Asthmatic little short legged me runs. Who would have ever thought that? Am I fast? Nope. Do I aim to be? Only to be my personal times. I have a thing with racing the clock, if you don't know. I also have the strongest desire to not let the fact that I have 'asthma' define me. I used it as an excuse for far to long. I couldn't do this or that because I have asthma. If you ask me it was a 'lazy' excuse! Because guess what? I CAN!

How do I not get bored running?
1. It clears my mind.
2. It causes me to focus on the way I breathe - which helps me with my asthma (that hasn't been an issue in forever!).
3. I keep trying higher inclines & speeds on the treadmill, just to see if I can do it.
4. I run with other runners, who are fun, motivating, and encouraging.
5. I want to improve so that someday I can run a full marathon with my sister.

I don't get bored. I don't allow myself to get bored. When a new event or challenge arises - I try it. During this journey I have tried so many new things, I'm not sure I could even list them all!
  • HIIT
  • Weight-lifting
  • Running: outside & on a treadmill
  • Pole Fitness
  • 1/2 marathon
  • Different machines in the gym
  • Foods
  • Biofreeze, oils and other things for sore muscles.

Now, let me ask you...how do you not get bored?

I've a lot more to write about and not enough time this morning so I'll leave you with an idea of what's to come:
  • Music & Playlists.
  • Upcoming Events & more photos.
  • Photo contest
  • Fashion
  • Spain
  • Fear
  • Fitness, Focus, & Friendships
I hope you'll stop by again soon, but for now - get out there and shine! Have a beautiful day.


1 comment:

Sasha Holloway said...

Way to go Tonya. I am very happy for your success girl .. next thing you know you'll be a personal trainer .. love it.

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