Sunday, June 9, 2013

Runner, Anne MacDougall

Now, Anne is not part of the RAF Running Club, but she is a friend of mine that runs & thought that since she was not part of the club that she was safe from my interview...

No body is safe! :)

Anne & I met online, I think before I ever moved to England. We were both involved in a Stamping group online and sending hand-made cards/stamped images back and forth. Sadly, it seems both mine & Anne's stamps are feeling neglected and a little jealous of our running shoes. Oops! 

Since moving to England and traveling to Scotland, I've been able to meet Anne in person and spend a little time with her. I signed up for the Edinburgh 1/2 and Anne did too, thinking we would run together. We did both run it, however... Anne is a lot faster on her feet than she lets on! :) I told her to go on and not to feel bad about it. We met up after the race and sat on the ground enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather chatting away.

I enjoy running with others, however - I've no desire to hold anyone back or vice versa. It's like this, run together for as long as you can or like and if one of you as got to go - then go get it! 

Anne did just that at the EMF 1/2 with an amazing time of: 


It's time to meet: 


(she's in the pink)

First tell us a little about yourself:

Age: 45

Married: Yes, to Andrew for 17 years

Parent: to 3 girls; ages 14, 11 and 8

Student: A long time ago, got a degree in applied languages

Do you work outside the home: Not at the moment.

Anything you’d like to add: I am originally from Germany. 
I have lived in Scotland for nearly 20 years. 

How do you find time for running along with your everyday life: Since I don’t work outside the home, I usually run in the morning when the girls are at school. If I’m too busy during the day, because the girls a bit older now, I can leave them alone for a little while and fit in a run even if my husband isn't home yet.

How and when did you first get into running: I only got into running about 4 years ago – I was one of those people who would say they just couldn't run. Two of my neighbors used to run together and had invited me along a few times, but I would find excuses. Then my girls’ school announced they would hold a 5K fun run, and my neighbors asked me again to join them. Plus, I’d gone past the big 40, hadn't exercised in forever and was getting a little worried. I’d lost some weight, I wanted to keep it off, and I wanted to be fitter and healthier. So I started running with my neighbors with a view to doing the 5K race about 7 months later.

How has running impacted your life: I have become fitter and healthier, I’m probably more balanced, and my confidence in my running/sporting abilities has definitely improved.

Does anyone else in your family run: YES! I’m pleased to say that I've inspired both my husband and my brother, who both took up running over the last year! My girls have all taken part in the school fun runs as well, and the older two have done a 5K Race for Life with me.

Do you run alone or with friends:  I used to run mostly with my friend/neighbor, but as her schedule changed and I became a little more driven, I started running on my own more and more often. Sometimes, I manage to run with my hubby! 

What was your fitness like before running: Not great – I’d walk the girls to school and back, but that’s only a 10 minute walk, and over the summer holidays, I wouldn't even do that…

I run because: Many reasons: I feel I’m doing something really good for my body and general health as I get older, it helps me maintain my weight, I get a buzz from running that little bit further, that little bit faster, it’s relatively cheap, it’s out in the fresh air, and last but not least, if I indulge in chocolate or cakes, I know I’ll run off the calories again! 

What has been your biggest accomplishment as a runner: Sticking with it!

What advice would you give to new runners: If you think you’d like to run, go for it – as they say “if I can do it, anybody can!” Just take it slowly, start by jogging and walking, don’t go too fast, start with short distances and gradually build up your distance and increase your jog intervals. Also, in the beginning, it’s definitely easier going with a running buddy who can encourage you – I don’t think I could have done it without my neighbors’ support!


Tell us about your first race: My first race was the 5K fun run at my girls’ primary school, I trained hard for it, but I was still a little worried I wouldn't manage to run the whole way, or that I would come last. Well, I ran the whole way and I wasn't last! I even managed a little sprint at the end And it spurred me on to sign up for a 10K race later that year.

What distances have you ran: I've run 5Ks, 10Ks and half marathons

What are your favorite distances & types of runs: I think it’s the half marathon. With 5K and 10K, I feel too much pressure to run a really good time, and if I don’t, I feel I've let myself down. With the half, running the distance alone is a major achievement and I still can’t quite believe that little ole me is capable of this. 

What was your most memorable race: My first half 2 years ago: I was totally overcome by emotion about 1K from the finish, when I realised where I was and that I was going to make it, and in a much better time than I ever thought possible. Plus my whole family was waiting at the finish line for the first time. 

Motivation & Inspiration:

What motivates/inspires you to lace up your shoes and step out the door time & time again: I've worked hard to lose weight and get fit, I want to stay like this. I also have a couple of examples in my family of what happens when you don’t exercise and push yourself – I don’t want to be like that!!! And my mum is a positive inspiration: she’s in her 70’s and rides her bike several times a week – sometimes longer distances for exercise, sometimes just to run errands. I think that’s fab!

Have you experienced a runner’s high: Yes, I've come home after a run and felt full of energy, buzzing, ready to tackle anything, it’s quite amazing!

What about those miles that make you feel like quitting, how do you push through:  Sometimes I don’t, I've been known to cut a run short if I really felt it was too much. More recently I've been giving myself little pep talks, and I've been thinking of a couple of people who have gone/are going through tough times and I've been running for them.

Do you have a running coach or mentor: No

When did you realize you loved running: Every time it’s getting that little bit easier, or when the weather is particularly nice 


Have you lost or gained weight due to running: It’s mainly helped me to maintain my weight, but I've lost some when I was training for half marathons.

Do you have any specific diet strategies as a runner: Not really, I’m eating more healthily now, but that’s not specifically running-related. 


Do you run with it or without it & why: I usually run without – either I’m out running with a friend, so we chat, or I’m on my own, and I feel more vulnerable when I can’t hear everything that’s going on around me.


 Experienced them & did they make you want to quit: I've got a niggling hamstring problem – it was worse last year and caused me to drop out of the half marathon in September and run 10K instead.

How did you recover: Lots of rest over the winter and lots of stretching every time I run or exercise. It still niggles a little, but I can manage it.

 How do you prevent them: Seems the stretching exercises I do keep it at bay.

Have you lost any toenails: Not yet…

Dreams & Goals:

 What is your running goal this year:  Run the half marathon in Glasgow with my hubby

 What is your running dream: Run a full marathon! Planning on Loch Ness Marathon next year.

 If you could run your weekend run with anyone in the world who would it be: I don’t have any running idols as such, but I’d really like to run with you, Tonya, especially since we ended up not running together in Edinburgh, and also because you have inspired me quite a lot. Wouldn't have run Edinburgh if it hadn't been for you!

Thank you so much Anne for sharing your running knowledge/experience with us!!! Good Luck on your upcoming races!!!

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