Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Visualization is KEY

to form a mental image of.
We all have different opinions of what is beautiful, if we didn’t we’d all be attracted and like the exact same thing...like the Stepford wives or something. Thankfully, we are all different. We have different tastes and different ideas of what is beautiful. After all we were wonderfully and uniquely made. You know the age old saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”? I used to think of that as some sort of ‘excuse’ but now I see it as fact.

I like the color brown. I think it’s pretty. My Mom thinks it’s dull and drab. Difference of opinion, different eyes…different views, right? There is nothing wrong with that. I would want us to all be like that.
Back in September when I started this journey I didn’t fully gasp the concept of visualization. “H” would sometimes say to me, especially if we were in the AB room; “get that picture in your head, how you want your abs to look”. It would help when he would remind me or say something to that effect. At first I would visualize MichelleBridges from the Australian version of Biggest Loser. She has a great figure and there is just something about her collarbone.

After a while when “H” would tell me to “get the picture” I struggled to get it.  I wasn’t visualizing Michelle anymore. I wasn’t visualizing anything. It was a blank canvas. I couldn’t figure out why and I’m not sure I’ve fully got it yet, but I think a big part of the problem was that I couldn’t see me actually getting there.

I could dream about it…but would I, will I ever get there? I don’t know, but I am feeling more confident about it lately and I feel as if I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t believe it’s impossible. It’s just not always easy to visualize my body looking like a, b or c.
On the Australian version of Biggest Loser that I watched (which was amazing!) the contestants had their “dream outfit”. It was in a glass case that that they had to walk past and see every single day. Talk about motivation. I watched a video today on visualization. You can see it here.

This woman talks about “fitting into those jeans” but recommends that you go out and by a new pair so not to have negative energy per say around the ‘old’ ones hiding in the back of your closet. I’m going to tell you right now, she’s right. I have managed to fit into every pair of jeans that were in my closet…sadly, those jeans are not as hot as they once were.

After watching that Biggest Loser episode with the help of Pinterest I created my “dream outfit”. I had wanted to be in it and wearing it by January 2012. That didn’t happen…but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I just wasn’t there yet.
I did not buy the outfit, but I do have a photo of it posted on the wall in my office. I see it almost daily. Its effect seems to be wearing off…I still want it. I still want to look HOT in it. But is it going to look good on me?! I’ve no idea. I’ve not had to dress a smaller figure in 10 years…that’s kind of scary for some reason; most likely because my fashion sense is “blah”.

Recently, I saw a picture come across Facebook of a woman named; Dana Linn Bailey. To some this woman may very well be pretty, beautiful even – I mean look at those muscles!
However, that grossed me out. I believe you can be a very fit, a very attractive woman without all that bulk, popping veins and rock hard body. I believe women should be soft. Not soft as in weak, soft as in touch.
I like muscles on man, but I would never be attracted to a body builder. Why…because I wouldn’t like touching him. I’m a touchy feely type of person...not a come here let me pinch your cheeks wrap you in breath stealing hug type…but I do like touch.

If I don’t like the way it feels - forget it. I won’t even buy something if I don’t like the way it feels. When I’m shopping for clothes I shop with feel verses sight. Just ask David…he wanted me to help him pick out shirts. 1st I have to like the way it feels. 2nd I have to like the way it looks.

Besides (and again this could be, probably is…a difference of opinion) but who on earth wants to curl up next to a rock?! I guess you could say I know exactly what I don’t want…and this is NOT it. If it’s what you want for yourself – then girl go get it – but it’s not for me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I do like muscles on a woman, to an extent and I want certain things for my body…just not this.
I’ve a friend who is an up and coming Physique Athlete. She’s after that style body and I’m pretty sure she’ll get it. Right now, I think she looks pretty dang good. She doesn’t look scary to me. She posted an updated photo of herself the other day on Facebook. I’ve asked permission to share it with you. So meet Alex. Isn’t she pretty?
Look how flat her stomach is! You know she weighs more than I currently do and she looks 10 times leaner. Seeing that picture gave me another thing to visualize. Now, I want Alex’s abs! It gave me enough motivation to stay at the gym after HIIT yesterday and keep working out. I hit the ab room twice!
Visualization is huge and packs a pretty good punch, if you can get a handle on it. So I do believe it is important to find that ‘picture’ for yourself and ‘get it in your head’.

As time goes on I’m realizing that the ‘picture’ for me is constantly evolving into more than, “Oh, I want to look like that”. I want a flat stomach, can’t help it I do. I have to constantly squash the fear that I can’t have it because of 2 c-sections…

Surely I can. Surely, that is just a stupid voice trying to stop me from succeeding and surely I can tell it to stuff it and prove it wrong.
Determined – yes that IS me and I like to be right.
Possibly a character flaw, but it’s true.
When I visualize it’s not just my abs. I want certain looks for my arms – I mean look at JillianMichael’s arms – she’s got great arms. I want mine to be great too. Little by little I’m seeing changes in each area of my body and I feel them. I think that is why I’m now able to see what exactly it is I want for my body. The more defined that picture becomes…the harder I’m going to push.

I might never look as good as I think I once did. I may never were those cute denim shorts with the white eyelet lace ruffle. I may never show off that belly ring. I may never be a size 0 again. I may never think I’ve a nice butt again…but you know what? WHAT IF? WHAT IF? What if I look 10 times better?
Visualize more than just the number on the scale going down. How much do you think Alex weighs? I bet you’d be shocked. Find YOUR picture. Get it in your head and then go get it for yourself!

A lot of people that really know me know I’ve a bad habit of not finishing something I’ve started. I’m trying to change that…be on the lookout for my upcoming post Bad Habits. I have found that I enjoy running because of the sense of accomplishment at the end. There is always a finish line to cross and knowing I completed it, that I did it…yeah, it’s worth it.
This visualization, this picture in my head for my body…it’s just one more finish line to cross and I intend to cross it.

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