Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Friend Makin' Monday's: Q & A

Yes, I know today is Tuesday....doing some major blog catching up at the moment! I enjoyed this so much last week, I thought I'd play along again this week.


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Q & A

1. What’s the most obnoxious word/phrase you use on a regular basis? That's tough. Possibly, "Just sayin'". Hey friends - what is it I say that qualifies for this answer???

2. What’s the most memorable bumper sticker you’ve ever seen?  I'm guessing I've not seen a memorable one - as I can't remember one! haha Although, I did some some writing on the back glass of a van in France that was very memorable and you didn't even need to know french to understand it!

3. Share one pet peeve that causes you more grief than it should. Hanging coats/jackets on the back of a chair and leaving the coat closet open. If on the chair they fall off...then get covered in dog hair (thanks dogs!) or if I'm going to vacuum said floor and go to move the chair, the coat falls off or I have to put it away (no it is not my coat!). What really gets me is the coat closet is less than 5 of my little steps away standing wide open!

4. What are your thoughts on re-gifting presents?  I see nothing wrong with it. If it's something somebody else will love and I won't then why not re-home it to a more caring owner. :)

5. What was your biggest accomplishment this week? A walking plank!!! Wow! Get in plank position, put each foot on a Styrofoam plate and using your hands walk yourself across the gym floor...do not let those hips sag! I thought "no way" yet couldn't wait to try it and I did it! Without stopping, falling, or quitting. I was rather impressed with me. My upper body was very sore and letting me know it too. :)

6. What’s the title of the last movie you watched? Mirror Mirror - my daughter & I had a movie date yesterday. It was really cute, we enjoyed it very much.

7. If you could only choose one, would you rather have a full-time cleaning person or a full-time chef?  That's easy! Cleaning. I can cook no problem - other than the mess I create while doing it! If I had a cleaning person just maybe I could keep up, just maybe.

8. Do you enjoy shopping for clothes, or do you dread it? I dread it! When I go, I go looking for something specific and I'm in and out. I never know if it's the right style, cut, or color for me...but all of that is about to change. July 4th - I'm having a fashion makeover and celebrating a 'personal' independence day. I will be within 10 to 5 pounds if not to my goal weight by that date. Only 15 to go as of May 1st.

9. What’s your favorite sport to play/watch? I like to play volleyball - though not very good at it. I like to play baseball, golf, don't mind shooting a few baskets, swimming, skiing, tennis, badminton, and probably something else. I just like to have fun. I watched the London Marathon on T.V. this year and found I really enjoyed that. Most the time the only sports I watch is during my warm up at the gym and even then I'm not sure I'm watching...focal point, ya know? I kinda zone out - sometimes I check out the score or cringe at a bad move or smile at a good one...most the time I'm zoned out. Just ask my Trainer - glad he realized it or he might start talking sports and then I'd be real lost.

10. If you could have coffee with anyone today who would you choose? My best friend Jenny, although she doesn't like coffee! But I haven't seen her in almost a year and I miss her. I'd give anything for a coffee date with her.

Now it’s your turn. Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments. 


I hope you try this out...it's fun!

1 comment:

Debs - debslosingit.com said...

Here for FMM. My bf tends to walk in the door and deposit everything on the dining room table, where it just sits until I end up putting it away. At least he empties his lunch box when he comes home from work!

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