Sunday, April 15, 2012

What's for dinner, Mom?

Before I left for Spain I briefly spoke on the phone with my Mom. She had just received a good report on her foot from the Doctor and was very excited at being able to start working out again. Of course she’ll have to do some modified versions of things for a while and be careful. She is still in RECOVERY (whether she likes it or not) from foot surgery; however, knowing my Mother the way I do – she’ll push it and probably a bit to far.
It’s as my husband said about her recent Facebook status on coffee… “What is it with you two? You are either all or nothing!” Yes, I am the same way! Once upon a time I believed that trait to be EXTREME stubbornness. My whole life I grew up hearing how stubborn I was. Funny enough, I was proud of it – although until recently I couldn’t have told you why. During a training session with “H” my stubborn trait came up in conversation. He said something that really stuck with me…

Stubborn: prevents progress
Determined: Propels progress

So while some may view me extremely hard-headed and stubborn, I’ve come to realize I’m one extremely DETERMINED woman. I believe my Mother to be no different in that area and determination is a trait on can be proud of!

As with anything there are a few downfalls to having an extreme personality trait.

Example: My Mom. She is so upset with herself for gaining all her weight back. She is so sick of being laid up with that foot of hers. She got 1 good report from the doctor and decided she could start P90X again…I’ve yet to find out if she actually did. She is so determined to lose that weight, so determined to be active again and so determined to workout that she is going to be UNSTOPPABLE…just as soon as she believes it and until she re-injures that foot! Right?

Then she’s gonna read this post and be determined to prove me wrong and do her P90X and not injure her foot. Right Mom?

Yep, that is how an EXTREME determined personality works. It can however also come off as selfish and even cocky. What?! How’s that?!

Let’s say you’ve decided to something – this is where the “all or nothing” part of the personality comes into play. You’ve decided to take this Paris vacation. You have it ALL planned out, hour by hour. Then someone questions your plan or traffic throws you off by a 4 hours…it’s starting to crumble in your hands…making it real easy to get your panties in a wad, get mad and decide to prove whoever/whatever wrong…

When really if you’ll put your “EXTREME” on ice you might see someone is trying to help you out or witness something amazing like the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

Now, I say this but I can not guarantee I’m any good at putting “my” extreme on ice. I get all huffy and puffy just like the next person, but as I’ve mentioned I’m learning a lot of things about myself – and each has it’s pro’s and con’s, as with anything, right?

This post was not intended to be about Personality Traits…it just seemed to flow that way. It was meant to be about what my Mom asked me. She was excited with her doctor’s report and wanted to go shopping for some healthy food and get her “plan” going. However, I was leaving for Spain the next day & did not have the time to help her get sorted. I was honestly surprised she even mentioned it to me! I’m still learning about foods & trying new things. How am I supposed to help? I’ve eliminated some things, modified others and I’m continuing to improve the ‘food’ area of our lives.

So to help my Mom out and any of you who are interested I’m going to do a “food” segment on here. I’m going to show you what I eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and share with you what I learn as I go. I will share links or recipes as needed. Please feel free to ask questions and leave feedback from your own experience. Maybe together we can get a handle on another one of life’s dreaded questions…

What’s for dinner?

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