Monday, April 30, 2012

Coming up:

I wanted to take a quick moment today to let you know of some things coming up this next month. For the month of May I've a few things going on.
  • Push up Challenge - Do as many as you can May 1st and add 1 ever day after.
  • Mad Monk Mud run - Mother's Day.
  • A couple checks on my weight.
  • Possibly a new assessment...
  • MRI of hip.
  • David is going to make a quick trip state-side.
  • Photos/Recipes of what I eat morning, noon, and night - posted twice a week.
  • Getting this blog design sorted.
  • My son turns 10!!!
  • Getting my recipes on lamented cards (getting a little crafty again). If you see a recipe posted that you LOVE let me know - I'll be having a give away at the end of the month.
  • Selling more clothes in hopes of having plenty of money for my fashion make-over!!!
  • Playing around with some Gluten Free options.
  • I would say I won't miss a single HIIT class or Training session - but every time I think that something happens!
And probably more! My brain has just decided to shut off for the moment. So anyway, be on the look out for a little more posting and a few blog changes.

Also, I would love to have a little more traffic and feedback here at BeautifullyMe so please comment & share. I look forward to hearing from you and if you'd like to join me on the Push Up Challenge - let me know!

Lastly, I put my name in the hat for the 33rd 2013 London Marathon! I am praying and would love for you to join me in that prayer that I get a place in the marathon. I am currently looking into applying to also run for a charity. I will keep you updated on this and let you know as soon as I do, if selected. So roll on October. Oh....and I'll be 33, just 2 days after the marathon - so it's only fitting right? =)

Have a wonderful day and I'll see you in May! =)


Quote for the day: "The furthest distance you will face between today and marathon day is 8 inches; the distance between your ears."

1 comment:

Cat said...

Great quote for the day!!! So true!

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  • Reading 1/2 Marathon March 9 2014
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