Friday, April 27, 2012

Turning 32

I had no plans this year for my birthday, no real desires for anything and I did not want to spend a lot of money. In all honesty, this year I’d rather celebrate it on July 4th which is totally not my birthday. However, it is going to be a very special day for me. It is going to be my personal Independence Day. I have booked a Fashion Makeover and I will be spending the day in London. So because of that I’m being very selfish with money.

My poor husband, he was at a complete loss as to what to get me or what we should do. He wanted to take me to London to see Romeo & Juliet, which I would dearly love and do pray that I get to see it before we leave England. After all, Shakespeare and I do share a birthday – it would only be right. Feeling as if he’d failed I believe, David came to me letting me know he was at a complete loss and asked me what I wanted. I said, to celebrate it in July.

My daughter made me this amazing cheesecake, my son drew me a pretty cool picture, my neighbor “K” treated me with body fragrance and shower gel, and my Facebook page was hit over 60 times with birthday wishes!

Small, simple and sweet...I loved it all. However, there were a few things that day that really touched me and it was all because of this: New You Contest. A contest I’d been nominated for and won. I’d been sent an interview of sorts and answered the questions as I normally do – in depth. If you follow me or I’ve written for or to you, you know I can get windy. I love to write, can’t help it and won’t deny it.

Bleulips photographer and owner, Sasha, I do believe was a bit sneaky. I had started to wonder if I would see more pictures and I sent her an email to make sure I’d not missed a post on Facebook somewhere. Not only is Sasha a business owner and great photographer, she is a Mom and a military spouse. I knew she would be busy and I did not want to bug her, but I really couldn’t wait to see the pictures! If you've looked at her work or she has taken your pictures you'll understand why.

A mutual friend of ours, Aimee, had recently left and moved back to the states. The two of them were close and I imagine it was a difficult goodbye for them. I remember when my dear sweet Ashley took off for Alaska, pregnant…I’ve not even gotten to meet adorable little Ava yet. What I didn’t realize was her husband had also just left for deployment. Talk about bad timing.

Anyway, Sasha posted the interview & photos on my birthday! So I suppose you could say even she gave me a gift, because the responses I seen online and received privately were the best gift. If I could say one thing about Sasha it would be this: She has one of the most giving hearts I’ve had the privilege to witness in a long time.

I received on particular private message that just really got me. I never expected someone to message me and ask for help. I was utterly shocked and really unsure how to go about responding. Something within my interview must have spoke to her. I responded to “C” and let her know I’d do whatever I could. Got a feel for when she might be available for gym time and found out HIIT would be perfect for her. I made plans to meet her outside the gym Wednesday morning and we went from there. I'm just winging it, honestly.

Sometimes I think you just need someone to hold your hand, go with you or simply be there – because let me tell you what I was very impressed with “C”. She did great. She completed all 3 rounds and her burpees didn’t look too bad either! I think she’ll be rocking it out at HIIT in no time. I guess I should have warned her, if you’ve been to HIIT just once…you’ll soon be looking for your next fix. Which I am happy to report comes Monday, Wednesday, Friday!

After I left HIIT on Wednesday, I did some errands and returned a call to my husband. His response to me was: “You didn’t take that poor girl to HIIT did you?!” Okay, maybe I’m crazy here but I thought, “Why not?” It’s a great class! It’s an awesome workout. If you do not walk out of there sweaty then something is wrong with your sweat glands!

Not only that the instructors are not going to make newbie’s do as many rounds as us oldies. They’re not gonna say lift a 30 pound kettle bell – you’ll get a 15/20 or none. Really, you just come and you do what you are capable of and then you return, repeat, improve. It’s always a challenge. Can you beat your time on said WOD this time or lift heavier? There is always a hidden challenge in there if you look for it. If you’re like me, you need that challenge.

Receiving the message from “C” made my heart sore. It made me feel like some decisions that I am making for my personal future are correct. These days I am more at peace with myself and what I am doing than I have ever been. It’s amazing what getting healthy can do for a person. I recommend trying it daily.

Turning 32 – it was awesome! I’ve some GREAT things planned for the year, so stay tuned.

C” – you know who you are, if you want to rat yourself out that’s fine, but that’s your decision.  This however, is a shout out to you… Thank you for helping make my 32 awesome and allowing me to pay it forward by helping you. You are going to do GREAT! I just know you are.


1 comment:

Cat said...

You have no idea how motivational you are, and you're right, I do need my "fix" already. I can't tell you how much it means to see someone put themselves out there and offer to help others. You are doing a great job paying it forward! Thank You!!!!

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