Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Photos 2: Dec.2011

December 2011: 144 lbs and in to a size 5 (stretch) Cruel Girl jean.

I didn't weigh in much in December as I was traveling from England to Missouri & back again. However, I did get a little crazy and with very little training ran my first 1/2 Marathon with my sister Holly. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget and I will always treasure having done that with her. Love you, Holly! Thanks for encouraging me and keeping me going for all 13.1 miles.

My daughter, Ashlynn, waiting on us to cross that finish line!

There it is...

...and we made it! 3:24:56 - not bad for a beginner uh?

Stretching...my feet hurt!

Smart girl, she got her stretching done before Mom showed up with a camera!

Yep, I did it and now I'm DONE. =)

I could not have asked for a better running partner. I'm not sure I would have made it without my amazing sister!

Are we hot or what! =)

Her butt is way cuter. Next goal: Cute butt!

Love my Sissy!

I have a video from this and I will try to add it later. Do you know how many calories you can burn running a 1/2 Marathon? I weighed in at 140 - for a day haha

On to January....


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