Thursday, June 13, 2013

Runner, Belle Church

I first met Belle in the HIIT (high intensity interval class) on RAF Lakenheath. One thing I remember about Belle is she was always happy & the mustache tattoo on her finger haha. I've also seen her workout/run in those 5-finger-shoes that creep me out. I know a lot of people that really like those. 

First tell us a little bit about yourself:

Age: 30
Married: Happily. 
Parent: I'm the mother of 2 strapping young lads, Hunter and Jackson.
Student: I'm working on my graduate degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Do you work outside the home: I'm the Chief of Airmen Outreach Operations at Edwards Air Force Base.
How do you find time for running along with your everyday life:
I try my best to go when James has the kids.
How and when did you first get into running:
A couple years ago this lovely lady named Cindy Neldner said "It would be fun." It was a the Night 10K in Bury St. Edmunds and it was definitely fun! It was a walk but I've never walked 6 miles before and I instantly became interested in running.
How has running impacted your life:
Absolutely. I know that I can push beyond my past limits and that's so empowering.
Does anyone else in your family run:
My brother, he's 38 and he's great at it!
Do you run alone or with friends:
Usually alone. I'm not a fast runner and I hate the feeling of keeping people behind.
What was your fitness like before running:
Well, I was quite fit when I was in the Air Force. I was running and active in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and dabbled in Muay Thai. Then I got pregnant and stopped taking care of myself. 
I run because:
It's free therapy. It's always open, unlike the gym here on base. And I really like the time I have to myself.
Your favorite running gear:
Hmmm...I don't have anything fancy.
What has been your biggest accomplishment as a runner:
The Tough Mudder. That ish was TOUGH!
What advice would you give to new runners:
Don't let you hold yourself back.

Tell us about your first race:

It was a St. Patty's Day 5K in Iraq. I wasn't in a running group or anything so I did it alone. It wasn't that fun. The paths were either gravel, broken sidewalks and or BIG rocks. I'm surprised I didn't break something then.
What distances have you ran:
5k, 10k, 12 and a 13.1.
What are your favorite distances & types of runs:
I just love fun runs. 5ks are the easiest and shortest and I enjoy the after party.
What do you look for in a race before signing up:
The shirt!!!! I wish I kept all my medals away from the kids. It would totally look cool somewhere on display.
What are your current personal records:
Just completing the runs I have are my personal records. Like I said, I'm not fast so right now I'm not concentrating on time.
What was your most memorable race:
The Tough Mudder. I swear I thought I was going to die and I wanted to quit the whole time. 9 out of 12 miles my legs were cramping and you could see my muscle distorting around mile 6. The water was what beating me up. Every time I got warmed up enough to loosen up my muscles, there would be a water obstacle and my muscles would spasm again.
But man, crossing the finish line was the best part. I'm still in awe of my teammates and I'm so proud of myself.
Motivation & Inspiration:

What motivates/inspires you to lace up your shoes and step out the door time & time again:

I think it's the escaping from crying kids and a messy house that motivates me. 
Have you experienced a runner’s high:
Yes, and it's delicious!
What about those miles that make you feel like quitting, how do you push through:
Well, I'm pretty far away and I have to get back home. And I doubt James would pick me up. 
Do you have a running coach or mentor:
Cindy Neldner and Fathia Clay have been really great mentors. I am forever grateful!
When did you realize you loved running:
I did 2 5ks one weekend. The Monday after, I wasn't feeling sore and I knew then that running is my friend, not my enemy.

Have you lost or gained weight due to running:

Haha! I lost my baby #2 weight but I'm still battling the weight I gained from being pregnant.
Do you have any specific diet strategies as a runner:
I am thee worst person to ask this question! But I hear water is very good for running. 

Do you run with it or without it & why:
Sometimes but I prefer not to run with music. I hate when the earphone things fall out. I have just let my phone play loud but realized that used up all my media privileges.
Top 3 fav songs on your running playlist right now:
If I had to pick:
"Locked Out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars
"Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" by Pink
"Dig Up Her Bones" by Misfits

Experienced them & did they make you want to quit: Um, fortunately the most I've felt was sore. I received a ton of bruises and scratches from the Tough Mudder but they just made me feel better and stronger.
How did you recover:
Long baths and a really great, intense, deep massage by my friend Mary in Vegas. I swear, I should have need a week to recuperate but she helped me heal in a day.
How do you prevent them:
I feel that I know the line that I shouldn't cross and I don't cross it. I'd rather miss a PR than miss running all together.
Have you lost any toenails:
Bruised a few. I cut my toenails short and file them before runs.
Dreams & Goals:

What is your running goal this year:

Completing the Tough Mudder. Win!
What is your running dream:
To run a marathon. Dammit! I said I wouldn't do another half but I'm signing myself up for the Tinkerbell half in January. And I said I would never do a full but now I kinda want to do a full. Hey, this is a dream, right?

If you could run your weekend run with anyone in the world who would it be:
I would run a fantastic marathon in Hawaii with all the lovely runners I've met in England. I miss you all!

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