Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Runner, Amy Grenfell

The interviews are starting to come in! I am so excited to share these stories with you. I'm especially thankful to each runner who has shared his/her story with me. I asked them a LOT of questions, however I gave them the choice to answer or not answer any of the questions on the list. 

You will notice as I have already that the name CINDY reappearing in many of these stories. If we are lucky maybe Cindy will give us an interview & introduce herself. If not, just know that she is one of the administrators of the Running Club here in England that I and many others have or do belong to. 

You will also notice that some may say "there", "here" or mention moving - many of us are military spouses. We always move. 

I hope you will enjoy reading each story and that it will touch you in some small way.

Now, let's meet AMY! 

I first met Amy here in England. I believe it was last May when we ran a 5K on base. I was aiming for a new personal record and she knew it. She finished before me, but waited near the finish to see if I reached my goal. It was the first time there had been anyone at the finish line to share the memory with. I will never forget how that made me feel. It was so nice of her to be there.

Amy, tell us a little about yourself:

Age: 26
Married: Yes
Parent: to two 
Student: Yes, Health Science Major
Do you work outside the home: Currently job seeking. 

How do you find time for running along with your everyday life: HAHA, good question, I wish I said I had a schedule, but I don’t, if there is an hour open when the kids are down and the husband is home, I’m pounding the pavement. I just squeeze it in. 

How and when did you first get into running: Running is recent for me. It all started when I was pregnant with my son and I did a 5K, and I ran/walked it and just had so much fun. I just fell in love with it. My son is almost two now. 

How has running impacted your life: It has shown me that I am in fact invincible. Runners are not only strong physically, they are strong mentally. 

Does anyone else in your family run: No, not for the lack of trying

Do you run alone or with friends: I usually run alone, but I have recently started training for a full marathon with a friend. 

What was your fitness like before running: I was in shape.

I run because: it’s therapy 

Your favorite running gear: my Brooks!!!! 

What has been your biggest accomplishment as a runner: running 14 miles non-stop. 

What advice would you give to new runners: one foot in front of another. 


Tell us about your first race:
My first race was a 5K, it was a Race for Life, cancer run. It was so much fun, I had a huge tu-tu on and I was 21 weeks pregnant. 

What distances have you ran: Worked my way up to a full Marathon (planned for October of this year!)

What are your favorite distances & types of runs: 5K fun runs are always a favorite. Its easy, no training and well, FUN! Also mud courses. 

What do you look for in a race before signing up: The goodie bag, medal and shirt  haha! 

What are your current personal records: 3.1 miles- 24 minutes; 6 miles- 58 minutes; 10 miles- 1.57 hour.minutes

What was your most memorable race: Hmm, I think it will always be my first race.

Motivation & Inspiration:

What motivates/inspires you to lace up your shoes and step out the door time & time again: To go further each time. To go faster than my last time. 

Have you experienced a runner’s high: Oh yes. 

What about those miles that make you feel like quitting, how do you push through: There are times, 6 miles in, away from home that I just want to stop and I think, well “I’m 6 miles away from home, I need to get back…” so I keep going thinking I just need to get home. Next thing I know, I’ve ran 12 miles, I’m home and I never stopped. 

Do you have a running coach or mentor: Here, no? But I do have Cindy that if I have any question she is always there for me. 

When did you realize you loved running: I love it? HAHA When it made me feel amazing. There is this since of pride when you finish a race or a run that you can’t describe. 


Have you lost or gained weight due to running:
Both I lost a ton of weight straight off the bat (I had just had a baby), then I added strength training and started gaining. 

Do you have any specific diet strategies as a runner:
Protein! I don’t get enough and I’ve been yelled at plenty of times. 


Do you run with it or without it & why:
I have to run with music, I hate the sound of my own breathing.

Top 3 fav songs on your running playlist right now: Wagon Wheel (Darius Rucker), Country Girl Shake it for me (Luke Bryon), Moves like Jagger (Maroon 5)


Experienced them & did they make you want to quit: Right now I have a pretty bad one that you can’t even see. I have a neurological problem, and they can’t figure out the cause. I’ve been admitted to the hospital (and ended up missing TWO half marathons), a spinal tap, and CT scan. I’ve been on more medication that I can count that all have side effects, and that are times I’m so weak I can’t move. There are times I want to give up, but that isn’t who I am.

How did you recover: I’m still recovering. I take it one day at a time. 

Have you lost any toenails: Haha yes. 

Dreams & Goals:

What is your running goal this year: To finish my Rock N Roll Marathon in October! 

What is your running dream: To overcome any obstacle thrown at me. 

If you could run your weekend run with anyone in the world who would it be: Kathrine Switzer

Here is the photo Amy chose to share with us in memory of her very first race! 

Thank you, Amy for sharing your story! Keep up the great work!!!

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