Monday, April 29, 2013

Time for Fun!

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: ABC’s of Me
 Here’s how it works…you’ll choose topics about yourself, your likes, dislikes, etc.  according to each letter in the alphabet, and share a little with us. Oh shhh…you know you love it. ;)
A) Adventure! I love adventures which is a good thing because being a military wife is one adventure after the other.
B) Babies...who doesn't love babies, come on! They're so sweet and soft. I love babies!
C) CrossFit, Coffee, Cake (walnut coffee cake), Cambridge & Costa - LOVE ALL THOSE! Oh you can through Criminal Minds in there too, love that show! more, cowboy boots!
D) David! My husband, the most amazing man ever. He's there for you when you need him, when you don't need him and when you need him but don't want to admit it. He takes great care of me and our children and we wouldn't be where we are or who we are without him...even if his happy dance needs a little work ;)
E) Exercise is a huge part of my life! You will find me at either the gym, the CrossFit box or running all but once or twice a week. I could happily hang out at the gym or box all day long and I enjoy weekend runs because we always stop for coffee after. 
F) FRIENDS! Life would be way to boring without them. I truly believe those that struggle with depression lack friends because God did not create us to live solitary lives. If he wanted us to live that way...why create a helpmate for Adam??? We are not meant to be alone, do things alone or lock ourselves away from the world. How would we spread/share God's love hiding in a closet? 
G) GOD - surely you saw that coming right? Had God decided not to create me, I wouldn't be here...without him, I am nothing.
H) HOME - seems to be ever present in my mind lately as the 6 years in England is finally drawing to a close...well in 16 months. :)
I) iPhone - I LOVE it! It allows me to connect with my family & friends back home anytime I want to! Because of it, I had some amazing support during my first marathon.
J) JOKES - I'm middle of the road with them. Some are great and some are down right mean.
K) KIDS! I love my kids, they are the best part of me. They make me feel every emotion under the sun & my world would be incomplete without them.
L) Love & Laughter - without those, this world would be far more miserable.
M) Money - I like having it and dislike not having it. There is not enough of it in this world for the prices of things these days. Do you know how much it cost to take a family of 4 to dinner & a movie! Geez!
N) NAPS! I'm a huge fan of naps...well if I'm the one that gets to take it!
O) Opinions - kinda like butt cracks, everybody's got one! Some need a belt and some need to be heard with a shot of tequila and lime.
P) PALEO...most CrossFitter's eat this way. I've yet to master it. Not sure I want to, not sure I don''s a mess.
Q) Quiet. I like it when the house is nice and quiet, it's relaxing and peaceful and I just enjoy it.
R) Relatives - aka family. I love them, like them, dislike them etc...but most of all I miss them!
S) SUN...SUN...SUN!!! You do not see enough of that in England! Where ever we go next I am praying, praying that it is sunny and warm and glorious!
T) Travel - every time we move we get to travel around new locations that we've not yet been to or seen. 13 years ago, that was like 'everywhere' for me. We didn't have family vacations growing up - so David has gotten to show me (let's get cheesy for a minute) "a whole new world" :) And I love it!
U) Unicorns - my daughter swears that unicorns & rainbows make the world a very happy place, because everybody loves them. She might be on to something. I remember reading about unicorns as kid and you know when you see a rainbow you take a picture! 
V) VICTORY - crossing that finish line & realizing, "Yep, I can do this"
W) Water - used to hate it, used to hardly ever drink it and now I've a water bottle that goes everywhere I go and I probably drink a gallon or more a day. Funny how things change when you get out there and aim to get fit and healthy.
X) X - for the X in P90X - it's a workout you either love or hate or love to hate. I get real annoyed with the sound of Tony's voice, which is why you find me in the gym, box or on the road.
Y) YOU - thanks for stopping by and reading/commenting on my blog today! I appreciate you!
Z) Zzzzz's - because if you exercise regularly or as much as I do, you need your ZZZZZ's! Lots of them.
Now, that was fun wasn't it!!! It's your turn, you know you wanna! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments!! Happy Monday friends!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I also love naps!:)

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