Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Runner's Crest

Or Heraldry. Do you know what that is? It is either of two human or animal figures flanking and supporting an escutcheon (a shield in which a 'coat of arms' is depicted on) in an achievement of arms. 

So let's pretend for a moment. You see that photo up there? Let's pretend that the items flanking the shield are YOU (my supporters) and that the shield is ME and the items depicted upon it are the MEDALS earned. Make sense? 

Without all of you flanking me, holding me up, supporting me, encouraging me and pushing me forward...those achievements, those medals earned would not be accomplished nor mean near as me. Do you understand? 

So many of you have reached out to me in one form or another from the beginning of my journey, not just with my marathon, and whether or not you meant to inspire, encourage or uplift did. Because of you I have risen to each new challenge. I may not have always been as successful in completing them as I'd have liked, but because of you I also have the courage to get up and try again! 

You have no idea what a blessing you all are to me or how much I sincerely appreciate you. I wish words were simply enough to express this to you, but they do not do justice to just how grateful I am to have each of you in my life. There are things each of you have said to me at some point or another that has stuck to me like glue and will pop into my head at the oddest and yet most needed times.

My trainer, Herman, has said to me...several times 

"If you can run a marathon -- you can do anything"

Do you know how often that went through my mind during Paris? My friend Jessica E, even posted that on my Facebook event, because she knew how often he'd told me that. 

There was also that moment where I was getting frustrated and upset with my progress and thinking "What the hell am I doing this for anyway? I'd rather be lifting weights. I'm more a bodybuilder than a runner" and even though Herman tells me I'm built more for bodybuilding...that next thought would spill in real fast... 

"if you can run a marathon -- you can do ANYTHING". 

Why is being able to do 'anything' important to me? I've no idea! Thing is that thought kept me moving, because I wanted to prove that I was capable of it. That I can do anything.

It is not just things Herman has said. It's a million other things people have said or done for me that play over in over in my head like a song and encouraging me each and every step of the way. 

There was a moment the morning of the marathon, sitting on the train, when my nerves were completely frazzled. I was trying to calm myself and my husband looked me dead in the eye and said, "Would you stop telling yourself you can't do this, because you can. I already know you can". It's things like that, that someone says just outta the blue that hits you, sticks to you and then when you least expect's just the thing you need at the moment you need it. 

My best friend Jenny had no idea how much I needed that text at kilometer 36. All I can say is God told her, "Tonya needs you now" and then the messages started coming in and not just from her, but all of you. She shared with you on Facebook that I was struggling and every one of you showed up to support me...without you, I would not be who I am. Because of your belief in me, I'm learning to believe in myself just a little bit more. Because of you, I'm starting to believe that just maybe I am strong. Because of you, I will keep going, I will keep learning, I will keep improving...because there will be a day when I can no longer do this. 

This is not that day and until then I pray I can be everything you see in me and believe me to be. You tell me all the time that I am an have no idea just how much YOU inspire me! From the depths of my heart, Thank You. Thank you for being with me along my journey's. I pray that you'll continue to travel with me along them. I know with you all in my life that my trainer is right... I can do anything! Thank you for teaching me that. I love you all and treasure you deeply. 

For those of you out there that run, are starting to run, want to run or anything else, start building yourself a heraldry now. You won't regret it. You can run without it, but you will run better with it. Put your 'business' out there, share your experience and watch a whole new world open up within your life. You have no idea who in your life is going to tell you that very needed 'thing' that sticks to you like glue. Face the fear head on and admit your dreams, your goals, and then let those in your world help you succeed one step at a time. 

Good Luck!   

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