Thursday, May 3, 2012

What's Cooking Beautiful? Day 2

May 2nd 2012.
Gotta love Pinterest!

That is the PERFECT most fitting quote for today!!! You'll see why...

I started off okay. Although, the rumor is that steel cut oats are better...haven't been able to choke that down yet. Going to research oat meals. :)

For lunch I had an awesome sandwich from the Snack Bar at the gym. It has salsa chicken, raw spinach, tomatoes, avocado, and mozzarella on it. It was so YUMMY! I plan to have another Friday and take a picture for you.

Then...I got into trouble. I was starving. I was craving sugar like some kinda mad woman! Now, we're gonna get a little personal here - so you've been warned.

About 2 years ago I had an ablation. An outpatient surgical procedure that helps with the "Aunt Flow" problem. I'd been having problems for years and finally it got taken care of. Since then I've had little to no visits from dear old Aunt Flow. Once in awhile this freak thing happens and I get a daily visit. I say daily cause she doesn't stick around. It's almost like she shows up just to say she still can. It's no where near what it once was and I am beyond thankful.

That being said my insane out of this world cravings for something have also become limited...but wouldn't you know it...I got a visit. I'm going to have to get a handle on those mad woman cravings!

This should have been a warning. I had it Tuesday after my training session. P.S. If I've had blood drawn for any reason - I always have a snickers - although, I gotta say they taste better in France!

I picked up my son and we got the following:

For those of you that count calories...
here is 430 calories of sugary badness.

Chic-o-stick - seen it, remember it from childhood - had to have it!

Trying to be good...

It didn't last long.

4 of these...

and then finally dinner...

A bed of romaine lettuce topped with tomatoes, avocados, green onions, feta cheese, cucumber, a very small amount of the very bad for you ranch dressing, and grilled chicken breast. It was delicious! The amazing husband cooked the chicken for us - now it needs to stop raining so much so we can really get some life out of that grill!

I very rarely use Ranch anymore. I used to pour it on everything and not very lightly either. Now days I add as much veg to a salad as possible and the more 'water' in the item the less dry the salad...hope you like tomatoes!

Needless to say - I ate VERY badly. But you know what - it happens. You just gotta pick yourself up and keep going. I could sit here and beat myself up over and over about it...but what's that gonna get me? Stressed, discouraged, unhappy, mad, and more. I don't have time for that nonsense. Yes, I'm gonna have an insane day here and there and yes, I'm aware of it but I refuse to allow it to own me.

So ladies out there, here is the question of the day: How do you handle the mad woman cravings? Do you give in and roll with the punches? Do you give in and beat yourself up? Do you have amazing control over them? If so - what's your trick! :)


Check back tomorrow for the Stuffed Pepper's recipe!

1 comment:

Gillian Stephen said...

Hi Tonya, connecting from Spring Fling at SITS, thanks for your lovely comments on my site. Loved the main image so went hunting and found it, I'll be sharing it with my blog followers :) Loving your site, I'm hopping over to Twitter, pls remind me about your Monday Q and A as it's a great idea. Have a good weekend. Gillian

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