Saturday, May 19, 2012

FMM: All The Single Ladies (and Gents)

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: All The Single Ladies (and Gents)

1. What is your current relationship status? Are you happy with that status?  I'm married. 12 years and going on 13 this year! Totally NOT single. :)
2. Do you find it enjoyable to take care of someone in addition to yourself, or do you prefer to be responsible only for yourself? Depends on the day, but since I'm married and with children I suppose I to enjoy it. I like knowing they are healthy and happy. I like being there for them, doing things with them, for them and I enjoy my alone time too.
3. What’s the most important physical characteristic in your mate/potential mate?'s gotta be the butt. Gotta have one, none of this flat as a board stuff. I also like nice teeth, strong arms, rough hands (sorry this girl don't care for the soft lotiony hands on a guy) and he has to be mature! Good thing I already found my man haha
4. What’s the most important (non-physical) characteristic in your mate/potential mate?  His heart and his faith.
5. Is it important to you that your significant other have the same hobbies and interests as you?  No. If my husband spent the day scrapbooking I'd be worried, although I do like his help when I'm running out of time with Christmas cards. It's nice to have separate hobbies and interest. I don't expect him to enjoy everything I enjoy and I know I don't enjoy everything he does. Yet, there are things we do enjoy together and that's nice.
6. If you could go out on a date with a celebrity who would it be? Umm...well, I'm not real big into celebrities and I'm a little old school. So I'd probably say Conway Twitty - find out if he is as much a lady's man as his songs peg him to be. If you want a more recent celeb...I'd have to go with Rodney Atkins - I like his honesty and his laid back nature. Yep, you are right they are both country music artist. But if I need to pick someone cause I think they are HOT - that would Trace Adkins...long hair and legs that go all the way up, good thing I'm married and he's too old for me.
7. What’s your idea of a good first date? Well, I think I already had that once. I'm simple. Dinner & a movie. However, a guy who plans the whole evening out (relieving you of the stress) and surprises you a little - that's a good to.
8. Are there any traits/habits that you’d consider a deal breaker?  If they do not believe in Jesus Christ. If the "F" bomb is their favorite word. If they have no consideration of other people, are rude, and hate country music. For a girl who owns over 400 cd's in that genre that could end badly. I'd prefer they didn't smoke, but I married a smoker and I know how hard he has tried to quit. It's a real hard habit for them to break, but yes it's very unattractive it.
9. Okay ladies…Facial Hair: Yes, or No?  Yes. Especially a mustache. Not to big on beards tho. Stubble can sometimes be sexy, but I prefer the soft smooth feel.
10. Would you marry someone who is opposed to diamond engagement rings?  I've wore a diamond ring for over 12 years - I feel too naked without my ring.
11. What do you wish you could do differently in your next relationship?  I don't plan on having a 'next' relationship but I do have plenty of regrets I'd rather not repeat. However, those experiences did shape me, grow me, and because of them I am a stronger more determined woman.
12. Is there anyone from your past that you’d like to date again now? No.
13. Describe your worst first date story ever.  Oh it was so bad I'm not even sure I remember it. I went out with a guy from work once and could not wait until I got back home. He was a freak! The things he talked wonder he was still single. Then one time I dated a guy who was a few years older than me but looked a lot older than me (he couldn't help it). He was really sweet and we went to see a movie. I heard someone say, "Do you think that is her boyfriend or her Dad?" It was the first time I'd ever had that happen and I never dated anyone my own age - too immature, too much bass and too many crazy hormones.
14. Describe the perfect date with your significant other. Oh gosh! I like to dance although I'm not that good at it - so dancing would be fun. I've always thought some salsa lessons or something would be a good time. I would enjoy him planning something special and my not having to answer "where would you like to go? what would you like to do? where do you want to eat?" Take control.You know that movie with Antonio Banderas; Take the Lead? You know when he is dancing with the blond in the black dress and the kids that are in detention need to pick their jaw up off the floor? That kind of sexy control - it's hot - and that mixed with a great meal and some wine - perfect...and since I'm married it better end tangled up in the sheets.
15. Would you date someone shorter than you? I did once - not really my thing. I'm only 5 ft 2 - if you're shorter than me...honey you're short.
16. Share one (or a few) bonus traits that would be fun to find in an significant other (even if they aren’t as important as other traits.)  Oh that's a tough one....actually, maybe not. I love the smell of cologne - so if he wore it, it'd be a great bonus. My husband very rarely wears it.
17. What’s one thing you’d like to do with a significant other that you’ve never done with another?  Umm...well we just had our first workout together so that's off the list...maybe dance lessons haha.
18. PDA: Yes, or No?  A little, but I like to keep it appropriate for the location. Making out in Wal-mart is a no-no! Getting a little heated at a night-club...I can handle.
19. Do you kiss on the first date? It has been known to happen, though it’s not a sure thing…
20. Who, if anyone, makes your heart flutter?  the one I'm married too, especially when he kisses me like he means it.

Yeah, I know it's Saturday and I'm just getting this posted. Sorry for the delay, been a busy week. There will probably be several posts over this weekend. So be sure to check back. If you play FMM - let me know! I'll stop by for a visit.

Enjoy your weekend. I hope it's beautiful!


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