Monday, April 30, 2012

FMM: Cooking Habits

So right after I posted 'Coming Soon' I saw this on another blog and thought I'd play along too. Why don't you join us! This is my first time in taking part of Friend Makin' Mondays, so here are the rules:
  • Take a moment to answer this weeks questions on your blog and link back in the comments section here.
  • Invite your blog readers to add their links and join in.
  • Get connected to others and comment back!
Here we go...

FMM: Cooking Habits

1. What is your favorite meal to prepare at home?  That's difficult. I'm going to say Spaghetti. If I've pre-made the sauce its fast and easy. I enjoy making the sauce and smelling all the spices.,,just keep the cheese sticks away or I'll be dipping them in it and tasting it! I pretty much enjoy cooking anything that I know someone enjoys eating. It makes me smile.

2. Do you like to experiment in the kitchen, or do you prefer to stick to the basics?  I don't mind experimenting, but once I've found an experiment that works it becomes a keeper and gets added to the recipe box.

3. What is your favorite cookbook? Hmmm…I don't have one! I pull recipes from everywhere! Family cookbooks, biggest loser, pioneer woman, pampered chef, spark people, and sometimes even the ones people email to me. I find something that I think will work with my family and we try it out. Then we vote.

4. Do you have any tricks to share that help you reach your fruits and veggies goal for the day?  Salads, Smoothies, and adding something green to almost everything I eat...including eggs. I like a fried egg with a slice of turkey, a little spinach, onion, tomato, bell pepper and I love my oatmeal with strawberries. The smoothies - they tend to be a win win.

5. What’s the most interesting thing you made last week? Gluten Free Chicken Supreme Pizza. It was pretty good, even if I was the only one that would eat it! Of course I knew that when I made it, that's why the family got pepperoni. =) There's was also GF.

6. How often do you watch cooking shows on TV?  I don't, unless my daughter is watching cupcake wars or something. You can see some pretty awesome things sometimes.

7. When you’re hungry, where are you most likely to look first? The fridge. There is generally a cheese stick or an apple available.

8. List a few healthy staples that can always be found in your kitchen.  Chicken breast, deli turkey breast, strawberries, bananas, avocado, spinach, lettuce, almond milk, peanut butter, eggs and lots of spices!!!

9. Are you motivated to cook at home even when you’re eating alone?  Not really, so I try to make double or I pre-make a few things and slip them in the freezer so that I have something on hand and don't make a mad dive for a bag of Doritos and cheese dip!

10. How often do you try new recipes? Recently, I've been aiming to try new ones weekly if not more so. Our list of foods that we would eat were about 7 different meals...I got so tired of the same tried and true and decided it was time to health it up and spice it up! It's been an interesting journey to say the least and sometimes the family vote is great others it becomes a fend for yourself night real quick! I can happily say we have a little more variety in our life now.

Your turn!


4 comments: said...

the green smoothiees are really the ticket. It's a great way to pack a lot of veg into the early part of your day!

Kerry said...

Thanks for the tips on the Green Monster Smoothies to help me get some veggies in me! Can't wait to try this!!!

Debs - said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your number 8! Spaghetti is a favorite for me too- so easy to toss together!

Ayana said...

Spaghetti is such a quick and easy meal to prepare.This week I made mine with whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta. It was delicious!

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